Contact Us
Enquiry Email

If your enquiry relates to our Business IT Resilience Improvement user categories click here.

If your enquiry relates to our Desktop Fallback Install Service click here and describe what aspect(s) of the service you want to know about - Hypervisor or Alternative Desktop VM or VM Maintenance Machine.

If your enquiry relates to our Malware Defeating File Sharer (MDFS) click here and describe what you want to know about it.

Otherwise, to get a good result from your enquiry please provide specific details of the problem that you need to solve. In writing to reduce ambiguity and uncertainty.

Send Enquiry, attaching any relevant diagrams and documents.

All information you send us will be handled in confidence.

In support of that, our email server always offers to use TLS (transport layer security), and it's authenticated. We also provide certificate and public-key files to allow you to encrypt your email content. Details below.
Support Email

Always take a screenshot of a problem in case it turns out to be not easy to reproduce.

To help us provide an effective response please include specific details of the problem, or what we should do to observe it, or both.

Send Support Request, attaching any relevant screenshots and information.
Other Channels

We strongly prefer email because matters involving computers involve fine detail, and email is great for conveying it.

However, when appropriate we will provide other contact information.

Note that we don't use web forms because the techniques for defending them against spammers greatly inconvenience legitimate users.
Email Encryption

To protect further the information that you send to us you can encrypt the content of your email using either of these :

Certificate for S/MIME  PGP/GPG Public Key

©2021-2024 : IOPEN Technologies Ltd - NZ